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If you need your OK unit tested or repaired
then give us a call at 1-336-969-0110.
We offer fair estimates and offer a year warranty.

Why to send us your work?
  • 40 years of experience repairing Industrial & Commercial units
  • Certified Senior Industrial Electronics Technician
  • Ability to do Reverse Engineering on OK units.
  • No job to big or small
  • Fast turn around time on most OK units
  • Quality of work comes before profit!
  • Old Fashion "Customer is always right policy"
  • 1 year warranty
  • Fair Estimates on all OK units
  • Low Prices

To have your OK unit repaired/tested call 1-(336)-969-0110
Make Part Number Model Number Image
Okuma machinery works LTD.-BL-D50A-
Okuma machinery works LTD.-BL-D50A-
Old Saybrook Co.-420C Old_Saybrook_Co._420C.JPG
Old Saybrook Co.-420C n/a
OKI telecom-MM8 G-
OKI telecom-MM8 G-
Okuma-BDU-50-A Okuma_BDU-50-A.JPG
Okuma E4809-045-084-E Drive TBDU-50-An/a
Okuma-MPS-10 Okuma_MPS-10.JPG
Okuma SDU-600W Spindle DriveMPS-10n/a
OKI Telecom-28100-PXO-732-
OKI Telecom-28100-PXO-732-
OKI Telecom-MM8-
OKI Telecom-MM8-
Okuma-BDU-75A Okuma_BDU-75A.JPG
Okuma BL-D50A BL-D Servo DrivBDU-75An/a
Okuma BL-D50A BL-D Servo DrivBLII-DYDn/a
Okuma-BDU-50A Okuma_BDU-50A.JPG
Okuma Opus 5000 Opus 5000 PowBDU-50An/a
Okuma-F II Okuma_FII.JPG
Okuma OSP5000L Operator InterF IIn/a
Oki Electric Industry-MM8 Oki_Electric_Industry_MM8.JPG
Oki Electric Industry-MM8n/a
Okuma-BL-D 50 A Okuma_BL-D50A.JPG
Okuma BL-D50A BL-D Servo DrivBL-D 50 An/a
OkumaE4809-770-015-BLB15 Okuma_LB15_E4809-770-015-B.JPG
Okuma 5000T 5000T Power SupplLB15n/a
Okuma-BL-D 50 A Okuma_BL-D50A.JPG
Okuma E4809-045-061-D Servo DBL-D 50 An/a
Okuma-BDU-50-A Okuma_BDU-50-A.JPG
Okuma YDQ-30 75A Servo DriveBDU-50-An/a
Okuma-BDU-30A Okuma_BDU-30A.JPG
Okuma DCPS1 220vac 36A DC. ForBDU-30An/a
Okuma-BL-D50A Okuma_BL-D50A.JPG
Okuma DCPS1 220vac 36A DC. ForBL-D50An/a
Okuma-MPS-10 Okuma_MPS-10.JPG
Okuma BL-D30A 30 Amp Servo DrMPS-10n/a
Okuma-DC-S1A Okuma_DC-S1A.JPG
Okuma DCPS1 220vac 36A DC. ForDC-S1An/a
Okuma-E4809-770-015-B Okuma_E4809-770-015-B.JPG
Okuma BDU-75A Brushless ServoE4809-770-015-Bn/a
Okuma-BDU-75A Okuma_BDU-75A.JPG
Okuma E4809-770-065-A SVC2 BoaBDU-75An/a
Okuma-MPS-10 Okuma_MPS-10.JPG
Okuma E4809-770-065-A SVC2 BoaMPS-10n/a
Okuma-BLD-50 Okuma_BLD-50.JPG
Okuma 5000T 5000T Power SupplBLD-50n/a
Okuma-DC-51A Okuma_DC-51A.JPG
Okuma BL-D30A 30 Amp Servo DrDC-51An/a
Okuma-BL-D 50A Okuma_BL-D50A.JPG
Okuma BL-D50A BL-D Servo DrivBL-D 50An/a
Okuma-BL-D 50 A Okuma_BL-D50A.JPG
Okuma BL-D50A BL-D Servo DrivBL-D 50 An/a
Okuma-VACA303J D6-
Okuma E4809-045-061-D Servo DVACA303J D6-
Okuma-BLII-D50 Okuma_BLII-D50.JPG
Okuma E4809-045-084-E Drive TBLII-D50n/a
Okuma-D11-A Okuma_D11-A.JPG
Okuma E4809-747-005-E Firing D11-An/a
Okuma-BL-D 50 A Okuma_BL-D50A.JPG
Okuma E4809-032-452-D Input- BL-D 50 An/a
Okuma-DC-51A Okuma_DC-51A.JPG
Okuma SDU-600W Spindle DriveDC-51An/a
Okuma-BDU-50-A Okuma_BDU-50-A.JPG
Okuma E4809-032-452-D Input- BDU-50-An/a
Okamoto-DX-4B-1 Okamoto_DX-4B-1.JPG
OkumaE4809-747-005-EPPS60C Okuma_PPS60C_E4809-747-005-E.JPG
Okuma LDU-600 25A Servo DrivePPS60Cn/a
Okuma GNT4604 Punch Tape ReadeBDU-75A-
Oki Electric Industry Co, LTD.30410-006MM8 Oki_Electric_Industry_Co_LTD._MM8_30410-006.JPG
Oki Electric Industry Co, LTD.-MM8n/a
Okuma Machinery Works LTD.-BL-120E-20 Okuma_Machinery_Works_LTD._BL-120E-20.JPG
Okuma Machinery Works LTD.-BL-120E-20n/a
Okuma-1006-0613 Okuma_1006-0613.JPG
Okuma GNT4604 Punch Tape Reade1006-0613n/a
Okuma-BL-D Okuma_BL-D.JPG
Okuma BDU-75A Brushless ServoBL-Dn/a
Oki Telecom-MM8 Oki_Telecom_MM8.JPG
Oki Telecom-MM8n/a
OkumaE4809-770-015-BLB15 Okuma_LB15_E4809-770-015-B.JPG
Okuma E4809-045-061-D Servo DLB15n/a
Okuma-FA8470C Okuma_FA8470C.JPG
Okuma E4809-770-015-D Single AFA8470Cn/a
Okuma-BL-D Okuma_BL-D.JPG
Okuma 60 Amp Power Supply 60BL-Dn/a
OkumaE4809-770-015-BLB15 Okuma_LB15_E4809-770-015-B.JPG
Okuma BDU-50A Brushless ServoLB15n/a
OKINa 447ZA Plus Na 17 MonitMM8-
Okuma-CD14JBS Okuma_CD14JBS.JPG
Okuma E0451-521-046 5000 PoweCD14JBSn/a
Oki Electric Industry-MMB501C2 Oki_Electric_Industry_MMB501C2.JPG
Oki Electric Industry-MMB501C2n/a
OkumaOSP5001.G5000 LSC-
Okuma E0451-521-051 0PU55000R5000 LSC-
Okuma-1006-0613-82-05 Okuma_1006-0613-82-05.JPG
Okuma OSP5000L Operator Inter1006-0613-82-05n/a
Okuma Machinery Works LTD.-BL-D30A-
Okuma Machinery Works LTD.-BL-D30A-
Okuma Machinery Works LTD.-BL-80E-20-
Okuma Machinery Works LTD.-BL-80E-20-
Okuma-BL-D 50 A Okuma_BL-D50A.JPG
Okuma E4809-032-452-D Input- BL-D 50 An/a
Okuma-BL50-A Okuma_BL50-A.JPG
Okuma E4809-045-084-E Drive TBL50-An/a
Old Saybrook-530 Old_Saybrook_530.JPG
Old Saybrook-530n/a
Okuma machinery works LTD.-BL-D50A-
Okuma machinery works LTD.-BL-D50A-
Okuma-1006-0615-13-05 Okuma_1006-0615-13-05.JPG
Okuma E4809-770-065-A SVC2 Boa1006-0615-13-05n/a
Okuma machinery works LTD.-BL-D50A-
Okuma machinery works LTD.-BL-D50A-
Okuma-N4N5160 Okuma_N4N5160.JPG
Okuma E4809-770-065-A SVC2 BoaN4N5160n/a
Okuma-N4N5160 Okuma_N4N5160.JPG
Okuma E4809-045-061-D Servo DN4N5160n/a
Okuma-N4N5160 Okuma_N4N5160.JPG
Okuma E4809-045-084-E Drive TN4N5160n/a
Okuma-N4N5160 Okuma_N4N5160.JPG
Okuma Opus 5000 Opus 5000 PowN4N5160n/a
Okuma-N4N5160 Okuma_N4N5160.JPG
Okuma BDU-50A Brushless ServoN4N5160n/a
Okuma-BLII-D30 Okuma_BLII-D30.JPG
Okuma E4809-770-065-A SVC2 BoaBLII-D30n/a
Okuma SDU-600W Spindle DriveBDU-30A-
Okuma-20c12a24 Okuma_20c12a24.JPG
Okuma BL-D30A 30 Amp Servo Dr20c12a24n/a
Okuma-ER-JF-7200D Okuma_ER-JF-7200D.JPG
Okuma GNT4604 Punch Tape ReadeER-JF-7200Dn/a
OKI Telecom-MM8 OKI_Telecom_MM8.JPG
OKI Telecom-MM8n/a
Okuma-CD14JBS Okuma_CD14JBS.JPG
Okuma OSP5000M Operator InterCD14JBSn/a
Oki Electric Industry-KHL49LL42A Oki_Electric_Industry_KHL49LL42A.JPG
Oki Electric Industry-KHL49LL42An/a
To have your Industrial unit repaired/tested call 1-(336)-969-0110

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To send in your OK unit for repair use the shipping address below.
If possible be sure to use the following Repair Service Order Form when sending in a unit for repair.
We offer special discounts to the military. We offer fair estimates and offer a fair warranty.

Industrial Electronic Repair
931-E S. Main St #204
Kernersville NC 27284
Phone: (336) 969-0110

    If you have any technical questions or wish to offer technical information about any OK units then fill out the form below.

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    You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110
    We are open Monday to Saturday from 9am till 6pm EST
    and yes the technicians & engineers work on Saturday!

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