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If you need your unit tested or repaired
then give us a call at 1-336-969-0110.
We give free estimates and offer a year warranty.

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use the shipping address below.

Industrial Electronic Repair <- new location
931-E S. Main St #204
Kernersville NC 27284
Phone: (336) 969-0110
Cell: (336) 969-0110

We service every manufacturer listed below and more!

LL BL BernardL & J
L & J EngineeringL & J IndustieL & J TeechnologiesL & M
L & M Construction ChemicalL & P Property ManagementL & RL 3 Communciations Narda Microwave
L 3 CommunicationsL 3 Communications CorpL 3 Communications Display SystemsL 3 Communications Power Systems Group
L 3 Communications Telemetry & InstrumentationL 3 HenschelL 3 Power & Control Systems GroupL 3 Spd Technologies
L A StarrettL And HL And J EngineeringL Bernard
L C AutomationL ComL H ResearchL J Industie
L J TechnologiesL J TeechnologiesL L LittleL M Construction Chemical
L O WL Oln Electric TheL P EL P Property Management
L RonL S And Co IncL S And Co IncL Siete
L TecL Tec SystemsL Tec Systems LtiL Tech
L V SL&HL&RL&h Power Suppliy
L&j EngineeringL&p Digital TechnologiesL&s BearingL-TEC
L-TecL. BernardL.C. AutomationL.J. Technical Systems
L.L. LittleL.O.W.L.P.E.L.S. And Co. Inc.
L.V.S.LA SpasLABOD ElectronicLAE
LCILCNLCSP Deeco SytemsLCSP Deeco systems
LDJ ElectronicsLDJ Electronics Inc.LEALEE
LG PhilipsLG PhillipsLHLHA
LNTLPELRPLS-1C power supply
LSILSI InternationalLSNLTI
La ManLa MarcheLa Marche ManufacturingLa Spa
Laacke & JoysLaaserLab A TronLab A Tron Electro Systems Inc
Lab AllianceLab Crest ScientificLab GlassLab Industries
Lab Industries IncLab Line InstrumentsLab Products IncLab Safety
Lab Safety SupplyLab VisionLab VoltLab-A-Tron
Lab-A-Tron Electro Systems Inc.Lab-Line InstrumentsLab-VoltLabcard
LabconcoLabcrestLabecaLabel Aire
Label AllLabel JetLabel Sensing SystemsLabel Sensor
Label Systems IncLabel-AireLabelaireLabelette
Labeling Systems IncLabeljetLabelleLabelon
Labelon LaberfinderLabenLaberfinderLabfacility Temperature Technology
LabmasterLabmetricLabnetLabo System
LabodLabod ElecronicLabod ElectonicLabod Electric
Labod ElectronicLabod ElectronicsLabod ElectronocsLabom
Labom Industrielle MesstechnikLabomaticLaboratoire Central De TelecommLaboratoire Francais
Laboratory Supplies CoLabotechnikLabotekLabour Pump
Labtech Labtest Equipment Lacey HarmerLabtest EquipmentLacent TechnologiesLacey Harmer
Lacrosse ManufacturingLadeau Manufacturing CorpLadishLady Pack
Lae ElectronicLaeisLaemLaempe
Laengerer & ReichLaetusLaetus Am SandbergLaetus Argus
LafayetteLafertLagan PressLagasse Brothers
LagrandLagrangeLagrange InstrumentsLagriss
Laing ThermotechLaird TechnologiesLake Image SystemsLake Monitors
Lake Monitors IncLake Shore CryotronicLake Shore CryotronicsLake Shore Electric
LakeairLakeland EngineeringLakeland IndustriesLakeshore
LakesideLakewoodLakewood InstrumentsLakewood Instruments Inc
LakosLam ResearchLamanLamarche
Lamb ElectricLamba SystemsLambdaLambda
Lambda Advanced AnalogLambda AmericasLambda CoutantLambda Elec
Lambda ElectronicsLambda Electronics CorpLambda Electronics IncLambda Electronics Inc.
Lambda EmiLambda Energy SystemsLambda MemicLambda Nemic
Lambda NovatronicsLambda PhysikLambda Power SupplyLambda Qualidyne
Lambda SemiconductorsLambda UltraFlexLambertonLamborghini
LambsonLamdaLamda ElectronicsLamda Nemic
LamiflexLaminaLaminar Flow IncLaminex
LammersLammertz IndustrienadelLamonsLamort
LamotLamotte Chemical ProductsLamp RecyclersLamp Technologies
Lancaster PumpLanceLance IndustriesLance Valve
LancerLandLand CombustionLand Infrared
Land Infrared LtdLand Infrared Ltd.Land InstrumentsLand Instruments Land Instruments
Land Mfg CoLand RoverLandaLandert
Landert Landert MotorenLandert MotorenLandisLandis & Gyr
Landis & Gyr BuldingLandis & StaefaLandis And GyrLandis And Staefa
Landis GardnerLandis GyrLandis ToolLandmark
Landmark GraphicsLando ManufacturingLandtechnikLandware
Lane Science EquipmentLang ApparatebauLang Mfg CoLang Mfg Co.
Lang PneumaticLangbein & EngelbrachtLangcoLangen
Langford SondmaticLangstonLanhamLanly
Lanner ElectronicsLanng&stelmanLanpowerLanscan
Lansdale Semiconductor IncLansingLansing BagnallLansmont
LansonLantechLantech LantisLantis
LantronixLanyuLapeer KnuviseLaplink
LapohnLapohn IndustriesLapp CablesLapp Insulator
Lapp InsulatorsLapp KabelLapp TextimaLapp Usa
LappkabelLarcoLarkin Power ComponentsLarko
Larko ElectricLarko ElectronicLarko Electronic CorporationLarko Electronic Parking & Traffic Control Inc
Larko ElectronicsLarko LeaderLarko?Larm As Netolice
LarontrolLarscomLarsenLarsen & Toubro
Larsen Systems IncLarsensLarsens ManufacturingLarson
Larson Davis LabsLarusLasalleLasalle Machine Tool
LascarLascar ElectronicsLascoLasco Bathware
LasconLase R Shield IncLasentecLaser Alignment
Laser ComponentsLaser DevicesLaser Diode IncLaser Drive
Laser Drive IncLaser Drive Inc.Laser Drive, IncLaser Drive, Inc.
Laser GraphicsLaser IndificationLaser LightingLaser Machining
Laser MaxLaser MeasurementLaser Measurement Industrial SensorsLaser Mech
Laser PlaneLaser Technical InstLaser TechnicsLaser, Inc.
Laser-Technical InstLaserGraphicsLaseraimLasergraphics
Lasertron IncLaservisionLaseryLaskar Electronics
LaskoLasser & HeurerLastecLatch
Lateral Fold BaordLateral Fold BoardLathemLathem Time
LatoLatronLatticeLattice Semiconductor
Lattice Semiconductor CorpLattner Boiler CoLau FansLau Industries
Lau PropellersLaudaLauerLauer Multivision
Lauer Nuertingen (hi ElektroniLauer SystemeLauer SystemsLaukhuff
LaumasLaur KnudsenLaureateLaurel Electronics
Laurence ScottLaurence Scott & ElectroLaurence Scott ElectroLaurence-Scott
LaurentiLaurierLauritz KnudsenLava
Lavallee & IdeLavatecLawlerLawler Co
Lawrance Scott MotorsLawrance Scott Motors Lawrence EquipmentLawrence EquipmentLawson
Lawson FusesLawson HemphillLawson LabsLawson Products
Lawson Screen ProductsLawtonLawtronicsLayne Minnesota
Lazer DataLazerdataLb WhiteLbfs France
LcLc AutomationLc Liquid ControlsLc Packings
LciLckLck Electronics Co LtdLcl Electronics
Lcn ClosersLcrLdepLdi Industries
Ldi PneutronicsLdj ElctronicsLdj ElectronicsLdpe
Le Croy CorpLe MasonLe Material TelephoniqueLea International
LeachLeach CorpLeacockLeacock Leader Electronics
Leacock Machine ToolLeadLead DetectorLead Year Ent
Lead Year EnterpriseLead Year Enterprise Co LtdLeaderLeader Electronics
Leader InstrumentLeader InstrumentsLeader Instruments CorpLeading Edge
Leading Edge FansLeading TechnologiesLeading TechnologyLeadman Electronics
LeadtekLeadtron Enterprise CorpLeaf Technology IncLeag
Leak FinderLeak TecLeakgunLeaktite
Leap Technologies Lear SieglerLear SieglierLeatherman
LeblondLeblond LeblondeLeblond MakinoLeblonde
LeblowLebowLebow ProductsLechle Spraco
LechlerLechler HydraulikLeciaLeco
Leco CorpLeco CorporationLecroyLecto Products
LectraLectric LitesLectroLectro Products
LectrodryerLectromeltLectronLectron Corp
Lectron CorporationLectron Ledder WerkstaettenLectrotekLed Inc
Led Technology LtdLedder WerkstaettenLederle PumpLederman Elevator
LedexLedtech Electronics CorpLedtronicsLedu
Lee AirLee CompanyLee DickensLee Dickens Ltd
Lee ElectricLee ProductsLee SpringLeece Neville
Leece Neville Leecraft LeecraftLeece-NevilleLeecraftLeecraft Manufacturing Co Inc
Leed & NorthrupLeedsLeeds & NorhtrupLeeds & Northrop
Leeds & NorthrupLeeds & NorthupLeeds And NorthrupLeeds Northrup Instruments
Leeds&northrup SystemsLeeman LabsLeesamLeeson
Leeson ElectricLeeson Electric CoLeeson Electric MotorsLeeson Legend
Leeson SpeedmasterLeesonaLegacyLegato Systems
Legend ValveLegoLegrandLegrande
LegrisLehighLehigh Fluid PowerLehigh Valley Electronics
Lehman LatheLehmann Protech AgsaLehner OptoelectronicLei
LeibfriedLeibfried MaschinenbLeicaLeica
Leica GeosystemsLeica Microsystems NusslochLeica Microsystems Nussloch Leica TechnologyLeica Technology
LeicenesterLeigh Instruments LtdLeightronixLein
Leine & LindeLeine And LindeLeine LindeLeister
LeistritzLeistungselektronicLeistungsteilLeisure Time Technology, Inc.
LeitchLeitenbergerLeitenberger LeitzLeitz
Leitz WetzlarLeitz-WetzlarLekebureLektornix Elestra
LektronixLektrovendLeland FaradayLeland Faraday Electric Co
LeleLem HemeLem InstrumentsLem Usa
LemacsLemaitreLemoLemo Electronic
Lemont MachineLempcoLenape Forge ManwaysLenco
Lenco IncLenco Exhaust FansLenco IncLenhardt
LennoxLenord BauerLenord & BauerLenord + Bauer
Lenord And BauerLenord BauerLenord Bauer Lenox InstrumentLenovo
LenoxLenox InstrumentLenox ToolsLenseis
Lenser FiltrationLenton FurnacesLentzLenz
LenzeLenze AC TechLenze Ac TechLenze Gmbh
Leo ElectronLeonardLeonard & BauerLeonardo
LeopoldLeotek Electronics CorpLepLepel
LeroiLeroi DresserLeroy SomerLeroy Somer
Leroy-SomerLersLesa MesstechnikLesco
Leser Safety ValveLeslieLeslie ControlsLesmo
LessonLesson SpeedmasterLesterLester Compu Time
Lester ElectricLester ElectricalLester ElectronicLester Equipment MFG. Co., Inc
Lester Equipment MFG. Co., Inc.Lesueur Mfg Company IncLetcoLetellier
LeukhardtLeukhardt SystemsLeuzeLeuze Electronic
Leuze ElectronicsLeuze ElestaLeuze LumiflexLeuze Lumilex
Level 3Level LanceLevel One Communications IncLevel Seal
Leviton ManufacturingLeviton TelcomLevolorLewa
Lewa HerbertLewa Herbert Lewis ElectronicLewisLewis Controls
Lewis CorporationLewis ElectricLewis ElectronicLex Air
Lex Products CorpLexairLexair IncLexar
LexelLexel Imaging SystemsLexidataLexington Controls
LexitekLexiumLexmarkLey Holdings
LeyboldLeybold HeraeusLeybold InficonLeybold Leybold Inficon
Leybold SogervacLeybold TrivacLeybold VakuumLeybold-Heraeus
LeylandLeyland Lfe Lfe TriplettLf Industrial SysLfe
Lfe InstrumentsLfe TriplettLfo Murref SwedenLfo Murref Sweden Lh Research
Lg Electronics UsaLg Industrial SystemsLg InternationalLg Philips Displays
Lg PhillipsLg PrecisionLgbLgo
Lh ControlLh LeyboldLh MarshallLh Research
Lh Research IncLhmLi Aye ElectricLi Cor Environmental
Li Shin InternationalLiaaen HelitronLiad ElectronicsLiba
LibertyLiberty CartonLiberty CircuitsLiberty Electronics
Liberty EngineeringLiberty FastenerLiberty IndustriesLiberty Technologies
Liberty Wire & CableLibra SystemsLibra Systems CorpLibratherm Instruments
LichtreglerLicomLicom IncLicon
Licon Itw SwitchesLiconic InstrumentsLidkopingLiebert
Liebert CorpLieberthalLiebffanLiebfried
LiebherrLiebherr VeritronicsLiebherr WerkLiedtke
LieferungLien ElectronicsLien EngineeringLifatec
Life FitnesLife FitnessLife Fitness T3Life Link
Life TechnologiesLife fitnessLifefitnessLift All
Lift Parts MfgLift TechLiftallLiftket
LiftmasterLiftmaster DoorsLiftmooreLifto Mat
LiftomaticLiftronicLight AlarmLight Corp
Light MachinesLight SeikiLight SheerLightalarm
Lightalarms ElectronicsLightechLightekLighting Components & Design
Lighting Components & Design LeecraftLighting Components & Design Leecraft LightmakersLighting FittingLighting Systems
LightmakersLightninLightnin Lightning ControlsLightnin Mixers
Lightning ControlsLightning JayLightning Jay LightreeLightolier
LightreeLightspanLighttools ResearchLightworks
LignomatLignostoneLikaLika Electronic
LikomLimabLimco ManufacturingLimit Tech
LimitorqueLimitorque CorpLimitronLimpet
LimtekLin ActLin Act AirLin Engineering
Linatrol Profile & Shape Cutting SolutionsLincoLincolnLincoln Air
Lincoln AutomotiveLincoln CommanderLincoln Commander 400Lincoln Electric
Lincoln IndustrialLincoln LaserLincoln Laser PolygonLincoln Lubricating Co
Lincoln MotorsLincoln PumpLincoln WelderLincoln Welding
LindbergLindberg BlueLindberg Blue MLindco
Lindco IncLindco IncLindco Inc.Linde
Linde AgLinde HydraulicsLinde MapagLinde Welding & Cutting System
Linden GroupLindgren Rf EnclosuresLindley And CompanyLindly
Lindly & CoLindly & Co.Lindly And CoLindner
Lindner ElectronicLindsay ManufacturingLindseyLindstrom
LindtronixLindusLine ElectricLine Master Switch
Line PowerLine SeikiLine SeikoLinear
Linear Alpha IncLinear CorpLinear Corp.Linear Corporation
Linear InsrumentsLinear InstrumentsLinear LLCLinear Laboratories
Linear SystemLinear SystemsLinear TechnologyLinear Technology Corp
Linear TokaiLinear ToolsLinearity 1 ElectronicsLinecard
Linecard CATLinemasterLinemaster LittelLinemaster Switch Corp
LinescoLinfinityLinfinity MicroelectrLinfinity Microelectronics
Ling ElectronicsLinkLink BeltLink Controls
Link Controls CorpLink ElectricLink Electric & SafetyLink Electric Link
Link EngineeringLink LiteLink LogicLink Systems
Link TechnologiesLink Technologies IncLink TechnologyLink-Logic
LinksysLinmotLinnLinn Gear
Linn High ThermLinosLinotorLinotype Paul
Linotype-PaulLinseisLinseis MessgeraeteLintech
LintraLintra NorgrenLinxLion
Lion ControlsLion ElectronicsLion Enterprises CorpLion Precision
Lionmount & Co LtdLionvilleLipshawLiquatite
Liqui BoxLiqui SystemsLiquid AirLiquid Carbonic Corp
Liquid ControlsLiquid LineLiquid MetronicsLiquid Solids
Liquid TightLiquifloLiquiflo EnduraLiquitron
Liskey AireLisle Drill GrindersLisle MetrixList Magnetik
List Magnetik Litef GmbhListaLista ManufacturingLister
Lit DesignLitchfieldLite OnLite On Electronics
Lite On LtdLiteOnLitekLiteon
LiterLitetronicsLithecLithibar Matik
Lithic Systems IncLithoniaLithonia LightingLithonia Liton Industries
Liton IndustriesLitre MeterLitremeterLitronic
LittelfuseLitteliteLittle FuseLittle Giant
Little Giant Pump CompanyLittlefuseLittonLitton Fibercom
Litton Ind AutoLitton IndustriesLitton ItekLitton Kester Solder
Litton Servo TechnLitton Solid StateLitton SystemsLitton Systems Inc
Litton VeamLivingstonLivingston & CoLivingston & Co.
Livingston Weldwise 2400Lixi IncLixonLiyan Electric
LiyitecLizenz Disc Instruments HonywellLj WingLjl Biosystems
LjuLju GmbhLk NesLk Nes Scr Fuses
Ll LittleLlittonLloydLloyd Controls
Lloyd Doyle LtdLloyd DynamowerkeLloydredcoLm Robbins
Lmb GrundLmc Control UnitLmeLmi
Lmi AutomotiveLmi ConnectorLmi Liquid MetronicsLmi Milton Roy
Lmi Selcom Industrial SensorsLmi TechnologiesLmi Technologies IncLmidin
Lmr SystemsLn LtdLnd IncLns
Load Cell CentralLoad ControlsLoad Controls IncLoad Controls Inc
Load LimiterLoad SentinalLoad StarLoadmaster
LoadstarLobod ElectronicsLobsterLoc Line
LochinavarLochinvarLockLock Inspection Sys
Lock Inspection Sys.Lock Inspection SystemLock Inspection SystemsLock Inspection Systems LTD
Lock Inspection SytemsLock InstrumentationLock Metal Check 9Lock Metalchek
LockformerLockheed MartinLockheed Martin CorpLocknetics
LocktronixLockwoodLockwood Mfg CoLockwood Mfg Co
LoconLocon Sensor SystemsLoctiteLodding
LodecLodec Axle ScaleLodge & ShipleyLodge Cottrell
LoetseiteLog TecLogahLogan
Logan EnterprisesLogansport MachineLogeLogeman Brothers
LogetronicsLogetronics IncLogicLogic Approach
Logic AquariusLogic BeachLogic BoardLogic Board 2
Logic Devices IncLogic IncLogic ProgramLogic Sciences
Logic ServicesLogic SystemsLogic TechnologiesLogical Design
Logical DevicesLogical ProductsLogikaLogiplex
LogisticonLogistics DataLogisys ComLogitec
LogosolLogosol IncLogoswedLogoswed Ab
LogosystemLogstropLoherLoher Flender
Loher GmbhLohja CorpLohja Corp.Lohja Corporation
Lohmeier Schaltschrank SystemeLohseLohse ArmaturenLohuis International
LoistevaloLola ElectricLomaLoma Engineering
Loma SystemsLomar SrlLonati S P ALonato
LondexLondon ElectronicsLonerganLong Airdox
Long FellowLong Lake Ford TractorLong Lake Ford Tractor LongfellowLongfellow
LongfordLongford Elec DesignsLongford ElectronicLongford Equipment
LongwellLoosLoos & CoLorain
Lorain Megahertz PowerLorain ProductsLoralLoral Aeronutronic
Loral Fairchild Imaging SensorsLoral MicrowaveLoranLoran W Utilities
LoranceLorangerLoras Industries IncLord
Lord CorporationLord LabelLord Label Sys IncLord Label Systems
Lord ManufacturingLordkimLoreme S ALorentzen & Wettre
LorenzLorimer ControlsLorlinLortec Power Systems
Lotus DevelopmentLotus InternationalLoud Technolgies Inc.Louden
Louis AllisLouis WachenhausenLouisiana ElectricLouisville Ladder
Louisville ManufacturingLourdesLourdes Lovato ContactorsLourdes Systems
LovatoLovato ContactorsLoveLove Controls
Love JoyLove Joy ElectricLove Joy Sier BathLovejoy
Lovejoy ElectronicsLovelandLoveshawLovibond Tintometer
LowLow PeakLowaraLowe & Fletcher
LowellLowell TechnologiesLowells Auto Parts SourceLowrance
Lowrance ElectronicsLoylaLoyolaLoytec
LozierLp ElektronikLpc ElectronicLpe Lpkf
Lpg IndustriesLpi IncLpkfLpm
Lps LaboratoriesLps Research LaboratLrcLs
Ls 1c Power SupplyLs AndLs And Co IncLs Industrial Systems
LseLsiLsi Computer SystemsLsi Computer Systems Inc
Lsi ComputersLsi LogicLsi Logic CorpLsm Instruments
LspLsp Industries IncLtdLte Scientific
LtiLtn1LtronixLts Scale Corp
Lubcke VarioLubconLubeLube Corp
Lube DevicesLubeconLubek SchneiderLuber
LuberfinerLubesiteLubetronicsLubrication Technologies
LubriplateLubriquipLubriquip TrabonLubrizol
LucaloxLucalox Lucas Control SystemsLucasLucas C4IR
Lucas Control SystemsLucas ControlsLucas DeecoLucas Deeco Corp
Lucas LedexLucas MachineLucas Nova SensorLucas Novasensor
Lucas SchaevitzLucas SchavitzLucas Stability Electronics LtdLucasey
LucasllLucentLucent Power SystemsLucent Technologies
LuchtLucidyneLuciferLucifer Steinebron
Lucifer Steinebron LuciidyneLuciidyneLuciusLucius & Baer
Lucius & Baer MonitorLucius&baerLuckyLudecke
Ludi Electronic Products IncLudi Electronic Products IncLudi Electronic Products, Inc.Ludl Electronic
Ludl ElectronicsLudlowLudlow TextilesLudlum
Ludlum MeasurementsLudolphLudolph Ludwig MohrenLudwig Mohren
Ludwig SchneiderLuedeckeLueraflexLuerssen Fr Werft
LuetzeLufkinLufkin Cooper ToolsLufran
LuftfilterbauLufttechnik MaschLukLukas Hydatronik
LumatronLumaxLumax IndustriesLumax Lighting Systems
LumbergLume BoxesLumelLumel Sa
LumenLumenisLumenis IncLumenit
LumeniteLumenite ControlLumenite Control TechLumenite Control Technology
LumexLumex OptoLumianceLumiance Concord Sylvania
LumidorLumiere DesignLumiere LightingLumiflex
LumiglasLuminaLumina PowerLumina Power Inc
LuminatorLuminator GultonLuminexLuminia
LumocolLumoluxLumonicsLuna Innovations
Luna TechLunarLunar CorpLunar Corp.
Lund Instrument EngineeringLundahlLundellLung Meng
LunkenheimerLunkenheimer ValveLustLust Antriebstechnik
Lust DrivetronicsLust ElectronicLust Electronic SystemeLust Electronic Systems
Lust ElectronicsLust Hybrid TechnikLutLuth
Luther WerkeLutronLutron Electronics CompanyLutz
Lutz Kracht Lukra PumpenLutz PumpLutzeLuvra
LuwaLuwa Ks LuftfilterLuxaliteLuxar
Luxar CorpLuxell TechnologiesLuxnetLuxo
Luxo AsaLuxonLuxorLuxtrol
Lv PowerLvd ElectronicsLxd IncLxe
Lxe IncLycos WausauLyle CorporationLyman
Lyman DesignsLyman Designs Inc.Lymco ElectLymco Electroncs
Lymco ElectronicsLynairLynch CorpLynde The
Lyndex CorpLyngso MarineLynn McgruffyLynn Mcguffy Co
Lynn WireLynxLynx Motion TechnologyLynx Pcb
Lynx Touch SolutionsLyonLyon IndustriesLyon Metal Prod
Lyon SafetyLyon WorkstationLyons ElectronicsLysol
Lyte OptronicsLythermLytherm M HLytron
Lzr Electronicslife Fitnesslowrancelumolux
luna Corp

You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110
We are open Monday to Saturday from 9am till 6pm EST
and yes the technicians & engineers work on Saturday!

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