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then give us a call at 1-336-969-0110.
We give free estimates and offer a year warranty.

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use the shipping address below.

Industrial Electronic Repair <- new location
931-E S. Main St #204
Kernersville NC 27284
Phone: (336) 969-0110
Cell: (336) 969-0110

We service every manufacturer listed below and more!

KK AusgabeK & BK & B Connectors
K & B ElectronicsK & FK & H EppensteinerK & J Elektronik
K & L MicrowaveK & MK & M EnvironmentalK & M Line Taps
K & S SystemsK And M ElectronicsK Beb ManufacturingK Busch
K ByteK ControlsK E MK E W
K FlowK L NK Line IndustriesK Lite
K S MK SonicK SunK Tec
K TekK Tek LevelK TronK Tronics
K&FK&M Machine Works IncK&NK&S
K&b ElektromechanischeK&d MagmotorK&h Industries IncK&j Elektronik
K&j MagneticsK&s SystemsK-Beb ManufacturingK-Flow
K.L.N.K.S.M.KA SchmersalKAC
Kaba MultihousingKabarKabel FaberKabel Metal
Kabel TekKabelmetalKabelschleppKabeltrommel
Kabushiki Kaisha SatoKabuto KogyoKacKace
KacerKacoKaco ElektrotechnkKaco Geratetechnik
KaconKadantKady MillKaemmer Valve
Kaempf ElektronikKaercher AlfredKaesemodelKaeser
Kaeser KompressorenKaestnerKagaKaga Electronics
Kaga Electronics UsaKahnKahn InstrumentsKai Suh Suh Enterprise
Kaif DigitalKaif Digital CorpKaifaKaijo
Kaijo CorpKaijo ElectricKaise MetersKaiser
Kaiser Kaiser ElectromotorKaiser ElectronicsKaiser System Inc
Kaiser SystemsKaiser ToolsKaitlin CorpKaizen
KajaaniKajaani ElectronicsKajaani ElektroniikkaKajaani Oy
KakoKakutaKakuta KogyoKal Equip
KalamazooKalatelKalatel EngeeringKalatel Engeneering
Kalatel EngineeringKalatel EnigineeringKalejaKalestead
KalmarKalmar AcKalmar LmvKalmus
KalokKalow ControlsKaltekKalvin S R L
Kam ControlsKamanKaman Aerospace Measuring And Memory SystemsKaman Aerospace Measuring And Memory Systems Kaman
Kaman Industrial TechnologiesKaman InstrumentationKaman Instrumentation Kamata ShingoiKaman Measuring Systems
Kamata ShingoiKamcoKamegKamekura Seiki
KamewaKamitani ElectronicKamitsuKammer Valve
KamoKamo SeikoKamosKamoseiko
Kamstrup MetroKamuiKamui SangyoKamyr
KanaKanadenKanaflexKanai Seisakusho
KanalflaktKanatecKanawhaKanawha Scales & Systems
Kand LabKaneKane KogyoKane May
KaneboKanebo KaneboKanecalKaneko Cord
Kaneko SangyoKanematsu Usa IncKanemituKanetec
Kanetec Co LtdKanetec KanetecKanetsuKanetsu Kanetsu
KannegiesserKano Laboratories IncKano ManufacturingKanomax
Kansai AutomationKansai Automation CoKansai ConcentKansei Denki
Kanson Electronics IncKantech SystemsKanto PulseKanto Pulse Co
Kanto Pulse Co.Kanto SeikiKap InnovationsKapco
Kaplik VertriebsagenturKappa Networks IncKapplerKappler Ksg
Kappler ManufacturingKappler Manufacturing Kappler Protective Apparel And Fabrics Kappler SafetyKappler Protective Apparel And FabricsKappler Safety
KapschKar ProductsKar TechKar Tech Inc
Kar-TechKar-Tech Inc.Karberg HennemannKardex
KariKarl Dungs GmbhKarl E BrinkmannKarl Freudenberg
Karl GeorgKarl JautzKarl KleinKarl Leister
Karl MayerKarl PueplichhuisenKarl SchnellKarl Suss
Karl Tesar ElectonikKartisKartridg Pac CoKartridgepak
KartridgpakKasaharaKasahara Chemical InstrumentsKaschke
Kaschke UsaKashimuraKashiwa CoKason
Kaspar WalterKasperKasugaKasuga Electric
Katagawa IndustriesKataoka IronworksKatayama ChainKates W A
KathreinKatoKato EngineeringKato Giken
Kato SpringKato Wocks CoKatolight KassecKatridge Pack
Katrin SystemsKatsaKatsa Vaihde GearKatsuma Steel Tube
KattKaty InstrumentsKauerKauermann
Kautasit GummitechnikKavlar KavlicoKavo
KawaguchiKawaharaKawai ElectricKawajyu Shoji
Kawaki Measuring InstrumentKawamura ElectricKawamura LaboratolryKawasaki
Kawasaki DensenKawasaki Heavy IndustriesKawasaki Hydraulic ProductsKawasaki Robot
KawwaboskiKay Home ProductsKay IndustriesKay Instruments
Kay PneumaticsKay RayKay-RayKayaba
Kayaba IndustryKayaba KogyoKaydonKaydon Bearing
Kaye ElectronicsKaye InstrumentKaye InstrumentsKayex
KayproKayserKayser ElektoniksKayser Threde
Kb DenverKb ElctronicsKb ElectroinicsKb Electronics
KbcKbccKbi Klaus ButscheidKbic
Kcs ElectronicsKd ScientificKd ToolsKdc Technology
Kdg MobreyKdk Electronics & SystemsKds SystemsKds Usa
Ke KitagawaKeaneKeane MonroeKeanemonroe
Kearflex EngineeringKearfonKearfottKearfott Guidance & Navig
KearneyKearney & TreckerKearney And TreckerKearney Manufacturing
Kearney TreckerKearsarge IndustriesKebKeb Antriebstechni
Keb AntriebstechnikKeb CombivertKeb ControlKeb Electronic
Keb Inverter CombivertKeb TamakyuKebaKeba Automation
KebcoKebco CombivertKecKec Electronics
Kec Electronics IncKeckleyKeedon EnterprisesKeeler
Keeler & LongKeeler InstrumentsKeene BowserKeene Bowser Keene Widelite
Keene LightingKeene WideliteKeene-WideliteKeensert
KeeperKeeton IndustresKehreinKeihen Seiki
Keihin CoKeihin Densoku KiKeihn SeikiKeiki
KeiltronicKeiltronixKeineweferKeith & Koep
Keith ManufacturingKeithleyKeithley DmmKeithley Instruments
Kel CorpKelburnKelcoKele & Associates
Keline ManufacturingKelkKellemsKellems Keller Connectors
KellenbergerKellerKeller ConnectorsKeller Elektronik
Keller HydraulikKeller Technology CorpKelleyKelley Co Inc
Kelley Dock SystemsKelley PerryKelley Perry IncKelley-Perry
KellyKelsey HayesKeltecKeltec Corporation
Keltec OperationKeltechKeltronKeltron Corp
Keltron CorporationKeltron Power Devices LtdKeltron Supply SystemsKeltronics
KeltronixKelvin HughesKelvinatorKelviplast Gmbh & Co
Kem GmbhKem Kueppers ElektromechanikKemetKemet Electronics
KemkraftKemkraft EngineeringKemmerichKemmerich Elektromotoren
KemppiKempston ControlsKempthorneKemtech
Ken RadKenallKenall Light FittingsKenbotong
KencoKenco EngineeringKencotronicsKencotronics Kendro Laboratory Products
KendrionKendroKendro Laboratory ProductsKendro Loboratory
Kenji AimotoKenkoKenmarKenmar Electronics
KenmoreKenna MetalKennamatal HartelKennametal
KennamtalKennedyKennedy CorpKennedy Tool Box
Kennedy ValveKenner Prime MfgKennett LaddersKenrahn Float Switch
KensingtonKensington TecKensington TechnologyKensington Technology Kensol Olsenmark Kent
KensolKensol OlsenmarkKensol-OlsenmarkKent
Kent AmcoKent CambridgeKent IndustriesKent Modular Electronics
Kent MooreKent Oil MeterKent TaylorKent-Taylor
KentexKentima ControlKentmooreKentron
KentronixKentroxKentrox IndustriesKentrox Kentrox Industries
KenwayKenwoodKenwood Electrical SystemsKep
Kep MarineKep PowerKepcoKepco Power Supply
KepwareKeramosKerb KonusKermit
KernKerncoKernel SistemiKerotest Marsh
KerrKerrfottKerry & TreckerKerry Ultrasonics
Kertron IncKesonKesslerKessler Ellis
Kessler Ellis ProductsKesterKester SolderKester Solder Litton
KestralKettKett Science ResearchKeurig
Kev Electronics CorpKev1oKevexKew
Kew Snap MetersKewaunee ScientificKeyKey Filters
Key HealthKey High Vacuum Products IncKey IndKey Industries
Key InstrumentsKey PowerKey TechnologyKey Transducers
Key TronicKey's HealthKeyboardKeyence
Keyence CorpKeyes FibreKeymat TechnologiesKeymat Technology
Keys HealthKeystoneKeystone AgcoKeystone Automation
Keystone BallastKeystone ElectricKeystone Electric Keystone ElectronicsKeystone Electronics
Keystone FilterKeystone ScientificKeystone Steel & WireKeystone Technologies
Keystone ThermometricsKeystone TycoKeystone ValveKeyswitch
Keyswitch VarleyKeytecKeytechKeytron
KeytronicKeywest TechnologyKf IndustriesKf Industries Inc
Kfg LevelKfmKfpsKg Assoc
Kg GearKg TechnologiesKgsKgs Electronics
Kh El TeknikKh El-TeknikKhdKhd Humboldt
Khk GearKhroneKhsKicker
KickstartKid NeuroKiddeKidde Alarmline
Kidde DeugraKidde FenwalKidde Fenwal IncKidde*Fenwal
Kidde*fenwalKidder PressKiddie Rides USAKiden
Kiebach PeterKieback & PeterKieback&peterKiefel
Kieley & MuellerKieneKiene Diesel AccessoriesKienzle
KiepeKiepe ElektrikKieselmann Liquid Processing EquipmentKieselmann Liquid Processing Equipment Kikusui Denshi Kogyo Lambda Kikusui Electronics
KikusuiKikusui Denshi Kogyo LambdaKikusui ElectronicsKikusui Electronics Corp
KilianKillarkKillig GmbhKillion
Kilo InternationalKilo VacKim ControlsKim Hot Start Manufacturing
Kim HotstartKimatekKimaxKimball Midwest
Kimberly ClarkKimberly Clark TissueKimbleKimble Asset Management
Kimble GlassKimchukKimcoKimmach
KimmonKimoKimo ConstructeurKimoto
Kimtex Paper ProductsKimtronKimudenKimura
Kimura Denyokifor Spare PartsKimura ElectronicsKin Tek LaboratoriesKin-Tek Laboratories
KincoKindorfKinecorKinedyne Corp
KinematicaKinematicsKinematics & ControlsKinematics & Controls Corp
Kinemetrics IncKinergyKinetekKinetic Systems
KineticsKinetics Chempure SystemsKinetics Control SysKinetics Control Systems
Kinetics SystemsKinetics Unit InstrumentsKineticsystems CompanyKinetrol
KinexKingKing AirKing Cord
King ElectricKing EngineeringKing Engineering CorpKing Fisher
King FlowmeterKing GageKing InstrumentKing Jim
King MarineKing PlasticKing Right MotorKing-Fisher
KingbrightKingbright Electronic Co LtdKingsKings Connectors
Kings ElectronicsKingsbury ManufacturingKingshillKingshill Elec Products
Kingshill Electronic ProductsKingspaoKingstateKingston Engineering
Kingston TechnologyKingston ValveKinkelder BvKinmon
KinspaoKintsume SeikiKinyo ShaKiour
KiowaKipKipp & ZonenKira
Kira SeikiKirbachKirbyKirby Lester
Kirby Lester IncKirchnerKirchner SoftKirchner Und Tochter
KirinKirin DenkikiKirk & BlumKirk Interlock
Kirk RudyKirkegaard & Perry LaboratoriesKirklandKirkman Eng
Kirlin CompanyKirloskar ElectricKirsch CompanyKirst Engineering
KirstenKisslingKissling ElektrotechnikKisters
Kisters ElectronicKisters ElektronikKistlerKistler Instrument
Kistler InstrumenteKistler MorseKistler Morse CorpKistler-Morse
Kit ElettronicaKitaKitagawaKitagawa Kogyo
Kitagawa TekkoKitakeKitake ???Kitako
KitamuraKitamura ShokoKitazawaKitchenaid
KitoKito CorporationKito HoistKito Manufacturing
KitronKitsonsKitzKj Law Engineers
Kk KKk SystemsKl TannehillKla Instruments
Kla TencorKlaasing ElectronicsKlaschikaKlaschka
Klaschka Gehring ElektronikKlassKlassing ElectronicsKlaus Haug
Klaus Renn HeiligenstadtKlaus RothenburgKlaus WellenKlaus Wellen Klaxon
KlaxonKlaxon SignalsKleberKlebs Hartmann
KleenexKleentekKleentek IndustrialKleer
Kleer FloKleigelKleinKlein & Mistele
Klein GmbhKlein Schanzlin BeckKlein ToolsKleine
KleinewefersKleinewefers KleinknechtKleinhuisKleinknecht
Kleinknecht ElectronicKleinsorge VebindungstechnikKlemmeKlemsch
KlenzadeKletonKlik TubeKliklok
Kliklok CorporationKlimKlimschKlinger
Klingspor AbrasivesKlipponKlipsch IncKlixon
Klixon ThermostatsKllimschKlockerKlocker Moeller
KlocknerKlockner BartelKlockner BarteltKlockner Desma
Klockner FerromatikKlockner IononKlockner MoelleKlockner Moeller
Klockver MoellerKloeckner MoellerKloehnKlose Antriebstechnik
KlpKluberKlueberKlueber Lubrication
KlugeKluxenKluxen WalterKm Electronics
Kmc ControlsKmc SemiconductorKmeKme Instacolor
Kme InstcolorKme Systems IncKml BearingKml Electric
Kml ElektronikKmpKms Kuhnle MullerKms Kuhnle Muller Knauf
Knape & Vogt SystemsKnappKnapp GrazKnauf
KneilKneil RelianceKnf FlodosKnf Neuberger
KnickKnielKniel RelianceKniel System Electronic
Knife SwitchesKnightKnight ElectronicsKnight Equipment
Knight Equipment CoKnight Equipment CorpKnight Equipment_Knight Metalcraft
KnipexKnit MasterKnitterKnitter Switch
KnobelKnocks FluidtechnikKnodlerKnoedler
KnogoKnoll America IncKnoll MaschinenbauKnopp Inc
KnorrKnorr BremseKnorrostolKnott
KnoxKnox IncKnox Inc.Knox Semiconductor
Knox Semiconductor IncKnu ViseKnurrKnurr Usa
Ko LeeKo Rec TypeKoa SpeerKobayashi Record Paper
Kobayashi Record Paper Kobe KohsakujoKobe KohsakujoKobe Kyongo CorpKobe Steel
KobelcoKobelco KobelcoKobeltKoberlein
Kobold InstrumentsKobold MessringKobotaKoby
KochKoch EquipmentKoch GlitschKoch Supplies
Koch Supplies IncKoch Supplies KocherKocherKockums
KocosKocos A Friend Of EnergyKodacKodak
Kodak Dark Room LightsKodamaticKodataKoden
KodenshiKodenshi CorpKoderaKodoma
Koei KlgyoKoei SangyoKoellmannKoenig Pretempo
Koep Precision Standards IncKoepfer & SoehneKoeppKoerber Hauni
Koester CorporationKoflocKoford EngineeringKofu Meidensha
Kofu Meidensha ElectricKogameiKogamei Koganei CorpKoganei
KoganelKogiKoharaKohei Kiki
Kohl MorganKohlerKohler & BovenkampKohler Company
KohlstadtKohoKoho KosanKohora Haguruma
Kohsel ElektronikKohtuKohwaKoike
Koike AaronsonKoinkeKokKoken
KokonoeKokusaiKokusai ChartKokusai Dengyo
Kokusai Denki EltekKokusai KeisokukiKokusai KogyoKokusai Semiconductor
KokuyoKol GarKolb ElectroKolbus
Kold CraftKoll MorgenKollMorgenKoller
Koller GmbhKollmoganKollmorganKollmorgen
Kollmorgen CorpKollmorgen GoldlineKollmorgen IndKollmorgen Industrial Drives
Kollmorgen SeidelKolmekKolmersKolpack
KoltekKolter ElectronicKoltonKolverusa
KomatsuKomatsu DresserKomatsu GikenKomatsu Ltd
Komatsu SeisakushoKomatsu ZenoahKomatsu-DresserKomax
KomazawaKomegKometKomline Sanderson
KomoriKomori ChambonKomori-ChambonKompspin
KomtrolKomxKonaKona Corporation
KonanKonan ElectricKonboKonda
KondoKondohKoneKone Cranes
Kone KetolaKonecranesKonepajaKonepaja Reijoi
KongsbergKonicaKonica ImagingKonica Minolta
Konica Minolta BizhubKonicsKonig Worle BeerKonishi
Konti TechnochemieKontorgadeKontrelKontrole
KontronKontron ElectronixKontron ElektronikKontron Modular Computers
KonturKonusKonzeptKonzept Energietechnik
KoolKool Seal IncorporatedKooltronicsKop Flex
KopexKopex ConduitKopfKopf Instruments
KoppersKoranshaKorberKorber Hauni
Korber Hauni Kordes Kabel KordtKord KingKordenKordes Kabel
KordtKoreKore IncKorea Data Systems
Korea EhtKorea Electronics Co LtdKorest PetersonKori Seiki
KornsKoroKorody ColyerKorta
KorteckKortekKosanKosan Crisplant
Koshin RacineKoshin SeikoshoKoshine SeikoshoKosmek
Kosmek Usa LtdKoso AmericaKossKostal Leopold
Kousin DenkiKouwaKouwa KougyoKouwakougyo Co.
Kouwakougyo Co., LTDKouwakougyo Co., LTD.Kouwell Electronic CorpKowa Mfg
Kowatetsu AdvantechKoyoKoyo BearingKoyo Bearings
Koyo ElectronicsKoyo FlexKoyo InternationalKoyo Lindburg
Koyo SeikiKoyo SeikoKoziKozumica
KpKpsiKr AutomationKr Johnson
KrachtKracht Hydralic PumpKraeutlerKraft
Kraft ElektronikKraftelektronikKrah RwiKral
KraloyKramerKramer GrebeKramer Lighting
Kramer+GrebeKramergrebeKrancoKraus & Naimer
Kraus & Naimer Kraus Naimer Kraus NaimerKraus HinesKraus NaimerKrause
Krause IncorporatedKrauss MaffeiKrauss MffeiKrauss-Maffei
Krauth ElectricKrauthamerKrauthramerKrautkraemer Ndt
Krautkraemer Ndt Krautkramer KrautlerKrautkramerKrautkramer BransonKrautler
Kravet Fabrics IncKrb Machinery CoKrebberKrebber Krenel Lagun Krenz
KremlinKrenel LagunKrenzKrenzler
KreoniteKresoKretskortKreuter Mfg
Krick Messtechnik LangenselbolKriegerKristalKristel
Kristel CorporationKristel CorporatonKristel L PKristel L.P.
Kristel LPKristel LpKristerKriwan
Kriwan Industrie ElektronikKroeger SchoeneckKroeger WerftKrohn Hite
KrohneKrohne FlowmeterKromKrom Schroder
Krom-SchroderKromamec I ViganoKrombachKrombach Armaturen
Kromberg & Schubert CableKrome KingKromerKromer Cap
Kronenberg GmbhKronesKrones PanelKronos
KroyKroy IndustriesKrp KrumpeKruger
KrumorKrumpeKruppKrupp Kautex
Krupp PolysinsKrydon BoxesKrykardKrylon
Krylon Of BordenKrysalis CorpKrystil KlearKs Hydraulics
Ksb GuinardKsb PumpKsb PumpenKsb Una Spezial
Ksb ValveKsh TechnologiesKskKsl Microdevices Inc
KsmKsm FasteningKsr KublerKsr Kuebler
KsscKssc SpringsKtKt 2641m
Kt TechKtaKtc Computer TechnologyKtec
Ktech Applied Physics And TestingKtek CorporationKtiKtk Ltd
Ktk Ltd.Ktr KuppelungstechnikKtronKu Kuroda Electric Usa
KublerKubotaKubota ShotenKuebler
Kuebler Niveau Messt ZwingenbKuehmeKuehnerKuehnle
Kuehnle Kuenle ElektromotoKuenle ElektromotoKueppers ElektromechanikKuesel
KugelKugelfabrik SchulteKuhl CorpKuhlage Nur Fuer Fibu
KuhlmanKuhlman ElectricKuhlmannKuhme
KuhnkeKuhnke AutomationKuhnke EnergietechnikKuhnke Pneumatic
Kuhnke Pneumatic KukaKuhseKukaKukla
KulaberKulaber EngineeringKulicke & SoffaKulicke And Soffa
Kulicke And Soffa Ind.KuliteKulite Semiconductor ProductsKulite Semiconductor Products Inc
KulkaKulka Marathon Special ProductsKulka Marathon Special Products KumeraKullanıldığı Electrolux Wascator
KumeraKumera Power TransmissionsKumera Power Transmissions Kummer Kuni DenkiKummer
Kumwon CoKumwon Co.Kun HungKung Dar Electronics Co Ltd
Kunimi DenshiKunkeKunkleKunkle Valve
Kunkle Valve Kuno GaugeKuno GaugeKunststoff Und ElektrotechnikKunz Glove
KunzeKunze ElectronicKunzerKuper
Kuppers ElektromechanikKupplungstechnikKurabo IndustriesKuraco Limited
KurakoKuramoKuramo KuramoKurare Purasunakku
Kurashiki KakoKurasikaKure NortonKureo Technology
KuriKuri TecKurita Seisaku ShoKurita Seisaku Sho Kuriyama
KuriyamaKuriyama ManufacturingKurmanKuroda
Kuroda DenkiKuroda Denki KurodaKuroda PrecisionKuroda Precision Industries
Kuroda Precision InstrKuroda SeikoKurtKurt J Lesker
Kurt LeskerKurt MaierKurt ManufacturingKurt Mfg
KurzKurz IKurz InstrumentsKurz Instruments Inc
Kurz KaschKurzanleitungKurzweil SemiconductorKusaba Gauge
Kuse SeisakushoKussmaul ElectronicsKussmaul Electronics CoKussmaul Electronics Co Inc
Kut KwickKuwabara Gisou KaihatsuKuwano ElectronicKv Automation
Kv LimitedKvaerner Eurica AsKvh IndustriesKw
Kw BatteryKw Battery CoKw Battery CompanyKwan Chiu
Kwang MyungKwang Myung Elec EngKwangwooKwik Lok
Kwm ElectronicsKyconKye InternationalKyk Inc
KynarKyocer MitaKyoceraKyocera Industrial Ceramics
KyodoKyodo DenkiKyoeiKyoei Denshi
Kyoei Seigy OkikiKyoei SeigyokikiKyoei SeikoKyoei Tsushin Kogyo
KyohoKyoho Machine WorksKyoho SeisakushoKyoiku Haguruma
KyokutoKyokuto Boeki KaishaKyokuto Machine ToolKyono
KyoritsuKyoritsu Electrical InstKyosanKyosan Seisakusyo
Kyosan Seisakusyo Kyosera Kyota SeisakushoKyoseraKyoshinKyoshin Denki
Kyota SeisakushoKyoto DenkikiKyoto DokiKyoto Seisakusyo
Kyouei SeikoKyouhouKyowaKyowa Dengyo
Kyowa ElectricKyowa ElectronicKyowa KogyoKyowa Kogyo Kyowa Motor Kyowa Seal
Kyowa MotorKyowa SealKyowa SeisakushoKysor
KytoelaKytoela L & J EngineeringKytolaKytronics
keltron Corpkingshill

You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110
We are open Monday to Saturday from 9am till 6pm EST
and yes the technicians & engineers work on Saturday!

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