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If you need your BT unit tested or repaired
then give us a call at 1-336-969-0110.
We offer fair estimates and offer a year warranty.

Why to send us your work?
  • 40 years of experience repairing Industrial & Commercial units
  • Certified Senior Industrial Electronics Technician
  • Ability to do Reverse Engineering on BT units.
  • No job to big or small
  • Fast turn around time on most BT units
  • Quality of work comes before profit!
  • Old Fashion "Customer is always right policy"
  • 1 year warranty
  • Fair Estimates on all BT units
  • Low Prices

To have your BT unit repaired/tested call 1-(336)-969-0110
Make Part Number Model Number Image
BTCKB Electronics K-225(436111V0n/a
BTCKB Electronics K-225(436111V0n/a
To have your Industrial unit repaired/tested call 1-(336)-969-0110

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To send in your BT unit for repair use the shipping address below.
If possible be sure to use the following Repair Service Order Form when sending in a unit for repair.
We offer special discounts to the military. We offer fair estimates and offer a fair warranty.

Industrial Electronic Repair
931-E S. Main St #204
Kernersville NC 27284
Phone: (336) 969-0110

    If you have any technical questions or wish to offer technical information about any BT units then fill out the form below.

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    You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110
    We are open Monday to Saturday from 9am till 6pm EST
    and yes the technicians & engineers work on Saturday!

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  • Disclaimer: This website is not sanctioned or approved by any manufacturer listed.
    "Industrial Electronic Repair" is not an authorized distributor or representative
    for the listed manufacturers or tradenames.

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